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Vanity Fair. Book + CD

Vanity Fair. Book + CD

  • Nivel educativo: Educación Secundaria
  • Materia: Inglés
  • MCE:


  • Autores: William Makepeace Thackeray
  • ISBN/EAN: 9788877549334
  • Páginas: 144 + CD
  • Tamaño: 14,8 x 21 cm
  • Colección:Black Cat. Reading and training
  • Pedir más información


    William Thackeray

    Retold by James Butler
    Activities by Kenneth Brodey

    Human interest

    Amelia Sedley and Becky Sharp are two friends. Amelia comes from a wealthy family but her father is made bankrupt. She marries George Osborne, a vain and shallow young man who does not really love her. Becky Sharp, on the other hand, comes from a penniless family, and is determined to use her beauty and charm to find a good position in life.

    Thackeray and Waterloo
    A Critic's Assessment of Vanity Fair

    Exit test

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